Mission statement

Our Mission
The core purpose of the Broadwater Road congregation is:
To invite, grow and send people as disciples of Jesus.

Our Vision

A church where those who are not yet here can find a place to belong.

Core Values

1. Christ centred, Spirit dependent, prayerful, whole of life discipleship
We value worship, fellowship, ministry, mission and evangelism that is Christ centred, Spirit dependent and prayerful.

2. Passionate and inspiring worship

We value worship that connects people to God, seeks excellence, is alive, authentic, relevant, life transforming and releases heart language expressions that glorify God both individually and corporately.

3. Intentional faith formation

We value learning communities in which holistic small groups, passionate spirituality and extravagant generosity are encouraged and disciples grow in their love of God, love of self and love of others.

4. Life transforming pastoral care

We value care that expresses authentic relationships, is compassionate, transformative and person-centred.

5. Passion focussed, gifts based, team oriented lay ministry

We value ministry which arises from a disciple’s unique identity in Christ, is team oriented and develops and empowers them in leadership.
6.Outward focussed, risk taking evangelism and service

We value evangelism and service in which word and deed accompany each other, is needs based, radically hospitable, encourages collaboration and partnership beyond ourselves and risks all for the sake of Jesus and justice.