How to place articles on the front / home page
Placing an article on the front page is a little tricky, so here’s how to do it.
1. The header location address and welcome message should remain at the top of the page, so visitors can quickly see they have the right website. It is also preferable to have the contact details and service times next in the list (though this could change – we might place the contact details in a ‘Contact Us’ menu link) but for now, please leave these items at the top of the page.
2. The page can be structured to have single items in a list or in columns. To set the number of ‘lead articles’ in the list and the number of columns across the page, you use the Main Menu.
From the Menu Manager, select the Main menu, then click on the Home page menu item. It should be the top of the list and is marked as the default home page (star in the right hand column).
At the right of the Home page menu item, are the front page /home page layout options. Selet the following options:
Categories: ALL
Leading Articles: 3 (Address, Welcome, Contact and service times) This can be varied if required. These articles are shown full width and sequentially in the centre frame. More articles can be added if required, so they appear full width. Extra articles here will need a corresponding increase in the set number.
Intro Articles: At least 3. This doesn’t appear to have much effect. These articles will appear in columns below the full width articles, so they will be a narrower format.
Number of Columns: 2 or 3 depending on the articles.
Multi-column order: Across
Article order: Featured articles order. This allows us to better set how we want the articles to apear.
3. Create your article. To place your article on the front page, set Featured to yes before you save the article. You can also set an article to appear on the front page in the Article Manager. Click in the Featured column for the article – a blue star shows for articles that are featured for the front page.
4. Now the article is on the front page, place it in its correct order:
In the Article Manager, click on the Featured Articles tab. This displays the list of all articles on the front page. Click on ‘Ordering’ in the column headings for the list of articles. Little blue buttons appear next to the order number in the Ordering column. Use these blue arrow buttons to arrange your article into its required location.
5. That’s it Now check to see what it looks like. At the top right, next to ‘Log out’, click on ‘View Site’. Look OK? Congratulations!